Private sessions

Are you ready for lasting healing, truth, peace and freedom?

To live your purpose and realize your true potential?

My Private HealingSatsang Counseling Sessions are for those (wounded or wannabe) healers, coaches, counselors, therapists, (frustrated) spiritual seekers and (hidden) lightworkers who are ready to let go of all remnants of unresolved trauma, suppressed emotions and limiting beliefs.

Who are ready to surrender mind to Truth.

To let go of all remaining masks and survival mechanisms of the little-i-ego-personality and who are ready to Be The Peace and Healing Force they are meant to be in the world.

We take this moment to STOP… to slow down… to become still… and just breathe, softly and gently. 

We take all the time we need to allow everything that is not yet at peace to come to the surface and find peace in your soft and gentle loving attention.

There is no rush. 

This counseling is guided by Life, Your Own True Self, and is different from anything you have experienced before, so come with a beginner’s mind and stay open to anything that Grace has in store for you!

A truth that will bring the healing, deep inner peace, joy and freedom

you’ve always longed for

What do you want to explore?

You may have a full understanding of all your ‘issues’, challenges and so-called areas of growth. You may have been given labels such as AD(H)D, OCD, PTSD, High Sensitivity or this or that disorder, which may have brought some understanding to the mind of what is going on, but have not really helped you fully to be free from the mind and its stories and patterns.

Some of you experience recurring symptoms such as:

  • Chronic physical pain
  • Burnout or fatigue
  • Allergies and skin problems
  • All kind of minor (or not so minor) forms of “addiction” or self-medication to soothe the pain.
  • Using substances (alcohol, coffee, food, chocolate)
  • Struggling with (almost obsessive compulsive) behaviors like perfectionism, workaholism, excessive exercising, gaming, gambling, online or offline shopping, disorderly eating patterns, disturbed sleeping patterns
  • Frustrated inspiration, blocked creativity or disturbed or non-existent flow

You are clearly in a Spiritual Crisis, not just a (mid)life crisis or only experiencing remnants of unresolved trauma.

You know there must be more, there must be an answer, a solution to this feeling stuck, lost, tired, exhausted.

There must be an end to not knowing what to do with this restlessness, boredom, frustration and hopelessness. 

All these feelings fighting for who is to drive the bus today.

You just want to finally help more people with your God given gifts, your unique healing, coaching and counseling talents and passions but don’t know what to do next to make that happen.

You want deep healing, lasting peace of mind and true freedom and may have tried different online or offline programs to make that happen but procrastination, self-sabotage and confusion have won so far and you have not achieved what you know should be possible and is your birthright: effortless flowing abundance in impact, income, peace and freedom.

Then be still, and just know… the peace and wisdom is in every breath you take…

You are an infinite flow of love, compassion and understanding with many Divine Gifts to share with fellow sentient beings and you feel it is high-time that you have the impact that you were meant to have and were born for.

If this is you, then please schedule a complimentary HealingSatsang session with me to discover what is holding you back from realizing your true Self and true potential.

No strings attached.

And any and all topics are welcome!

Your first Healing session is on me, in infinite gratitude to Spirit and my teachers who have brought these healing gifts to share with you.


Healing Satsang Session

If you would like to experience the power of Healing Satsang for the first time, please use the form below for a Complimentary Session with Yessica.

Follow up Session

Have you experienced Healing Satsang with Yessica before, and want to book another session? Please use link below: