About Yessica

Yessica Alaya Sillekens

As pure being awareness, I play the role of a spiritual counselor, integrative holistic (trauma) healer and teacher.

I have been were you are now.

I am here to guide you back Home.


I help wounded or wannabe healers, coaches, counselors, therapists, frustrated spiritual seekers and lightworkers with a lampshade, remember and realize who they truly are and why they are here. 

To help them heal all remaining remnants of unresolved trauma, suppressed emotions and limiting beliefs. 

To guide them to realize their true potential as the Divine Healers, teachers and counselors they are.

My previous life

I had a so-called successful career as a partner in a global financial services firm in my previous life in this life, offering artificial solutions to artificial problems.

But after a 3 month pro-deo project in India, and deep spiritual soul searching, I realized who and what I truly Am and only wanted to continue offering real solutions to real people with real problems.

But most of all I wanted to be in Satsang, in the presence of Truth, full time.

Seeking healing for a burnout that showed up next and which lasted for almost 7 years, I spent 12 years of studying various healing modalities and spiritual paths around the world.

After sitting at the feet of some Great Teachers, Grace gifted Healing Satsang as a combination of unique trauma & emotional healing practices and Satsang style self-inquiry processes in which the True Nature of our Being is revealed and the self-healing intelligence of the body-mind is re-activated, revealing ultimate truth, deep inner peace and true freedom.

Being of service

For the last 7 years I have been blessed to be of service to many wounded and lost beings, all gifted Childs of God, who are rediscovering who they truly are and why they are here.

…once we were lost, now we are found…

If you also want to discover who you are and why you are here, please schedule your private Healing Satsang Complimentary or follow-up sessions with me personally, below.

Honoring my lineage of teachers in infinite gratitude

“Healing Satsang is a combination of the direct path of Satsang style Self-inquiry in the tradition of Jnana Yoga / Adveita-Vedanta or non-duality (with Isaac Shapiro, Meike Schütt and Mooji in the Lineages of Sri Poonjaji (Papaji), Sri Ramana Maharshi and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj), and other mental, emotional and trauma healing modalities as studied with Brandon Bays (The Journey), Byron Katie (The Work), Eckart Tolle (The Power of Now) and Peter Levine (Awakening the Tiger/Somatic Experiencing).

Divine Vortex Energy Healing and Shamanic Journeying are also integrative elements of the organic process of activating the self-healing intelligence of the body-mind system. 

“Non-judgmental awareness while Resting in Being (Abiding in The Self) are the ultimate keys to healing of remaining trauma and survival mechanisms that are no longer supportive to the Being and are the stubborn veils to Self-Realization.” ~ Yessica Alaya


Healing Satsang Session

If you would like to experience the power of Healing Satsang for the first time please fill out the form below for a complimentary session.